Phone 01603 742-247
  • New Road, Bawburgh, Norwich, Norfolk, NR9 3LZ

Looking out the Window & Watching the Flowers grow & I’m not a hippy!!!

It's beautiful out there, the daff's are out, no chance of snow and a glorious summer to look forward to - yes, that's right you heard it here first - No more frost and sun, sun, sun with a tad of rain but not on my Smokin American Night - - oh, no folks that's gonna be hot diddly, dandy.

All this intro on flowers and sun and hippies is all to introduce my Pop Up Restaurant - this years it's Smokin American on Saturday 5th July - for some American independance of our own. I'll be buying a smoker soon - and trialing it all through Easter to Summer to get the pulled pork and brisket just right - nearer the time I'll be boiling vats of Death by Chilli sauce and even nearer the time I'll be making the most gorgeous All American Desserts - oh, yes baby!!! If there is one thing that gets me excited more than the sun shine and thats talking about food - eating food - cooking food and preparing for gagantuan food events like this one.

I CAN"T WAIT - I'm just toooo excited.
If you've ever read "Perfume" by Patrick Suskind I'm like the ravenous beasts who smell the most delicious perfume in the world and are so taken with the smell they go wild and eat the main characture - only I just eat all that I can smell!!! as long as it smells good, apart from people of course, after all I'm not a hippy!!!

I am now taking enquiries and requests for the Smokin American - contact me via the form on here, along with your name and numbers and I'll let you know when tickets are released. If we get over subscribed we might put it on on Friday 4th July too